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I Wanna Go Fast

When I was eighteen, I was excited about graduation and preparing to move into my very first dorm room.  I was making plans for the summer and trying to hang out with my friends and family before I moved.  What I was NOT doing was making history.  But you know who was, McKenna Haase.  On Saturday, at the ripe old age of eighteen, Haase became the first woman to win a feature Sprint Car Race.  In case you aren’t too familiar, sprint cars can travel upwards of 140mph and put out up to 1,100 horsepower.  So yeah, she was going fast. Haase took the track in her pink #55 car at the Knoxville Raceway in Knoxville, Iowa, and took home the first place trophy.  Pretty cool, right?  As if that wasn’t enough, Haase then turned around and graduated as one of the valedictorians of Carlisle High School. With brains, beauty and brawn McKenna Haase is no doubt a GladiatHer to Watch.  


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